4 Resizing Fastq Files

4.1 Purpose

Sometimes, you may want to extract a small subset of Fastq files to test a bioinformatics pipeline.

To resize Fastq files, follow these steps:

4.2 Using seqkit sample

You can resize Fastq files using the seqkit sample function. This tool allows you to randomly sample reads from Fastq files.

4.3 Example

Here’s an example of extracting only 1% of the paired-end metagenomics sequencing data.

This bash script extracts 1% of the reads from only two samples (SRR10245277 to SRR10245280).

mkdir -p data
for i in {77..80}
    cat SRR102452$i\_1.fastq \
    | seqkit sample -p 0.01 \
    | seqkit shuffle -o data/SRR102452$i\_1_sub.fastq \
    | cat SRR102452$i\_2.fastq \
    | seqkit sample -p 0.01 \
    | seqkit shuffle -o data/SRR102452$i\_2_sub.fastq