1 Understanding Sample Metadata
1.1 What is metadata?
- Metadata is a set of data that describes and provides information about other data. It is commonly defined as data about data.
- Sample metadata described here refers to the description and context of the individual sample collected for a specific microbiome study.
1.2 Metadata structure
- Metadata collected at different stages are typically organized in an Excel or Google spreadsheet where:
- The metadata table columns represent the properties of the samples.
- The table rows contain information associated with the samples.
- Typically, the first column of sample metadata is Sample ID, which designates the key associated with individual samples.
- Sample ID must be unique.
1.3 Embedded metadata
- In most cases, you will find the metadata detached from the experimental data.
- Embedded metadata integrates the experimental data, especially for graphics.
- Major microbiome analysis platforms require sample metadata, commonly referred to as a mapping file when performing downstream analysis.