10 Hyperparameter Tuning

In this stage, our objective is to refine the parameters utilized during model fitting to maximize performance. We concentrate on optimizing the model’s effectiveness by fine-tuning various hyperparameters. These parameters, such as regularization strength or tree depth, are manually adjusted to enhance the model’s accuracy. Through experimentation with different values, our goal is to pinpoint the optimal combination that maximizes performance on validation data. This pivotal step ensures that the model not only excels on training data but also generalizes effectively to new, unseen data.

10.1 Demo tuning for a RLR Model

# Set seed for reproducibility

load("data/train_test_data.rda", verbose = TRUE)
## Loading objects:
##   train_data
##   test_data
load("models/models.rda", verbose = TRUE)
## Loading objects:
##   mod_glmnet_adcv
##   mod_regLogistic_cv
##   mod_rf_adcv
##   mod_rf_reptcv
##   mod_knn_adcv
##   mod_knn_reptcv
# Load necessary libraries
## Loading required package: ggplot2
## Loading required package: lattice

# Define the tuning grid
tuneGrid <- expand.grid(
  cost = seq(0.001, 1, length.out = 20),  # Define a sequence of cost values
  loss = "L2_primal",  # Specify the loss function
  epsilon = 0.01  # Set the epsilon value

# Set up cross-validation method
ctrl <- trainControl(
  method = "adaptive_cv",  # Use adaptive cross-validation
  verboseIter = FALSE  # Print progress during each iteration

# Perform hyperparameter tuning
mod_regLogistic_cv <- train(
  target ~ .,  # Define the formula for the model
  data = train_data,  # Specify the training dataset
  method = "regLogistic",  # Choose the regularized logistic regression method
  tuneLength = 12,  # Set the number of tuning parameter combinations to try
  trControl = ctrl,  # Specify the cross-validation method
  tuneGrid = tuneGrid  # Use the defined tuning grid

# Visualize the model performance
ggplot(mod_regLogistic_cv$results, aes(x = cost, y = Accuracy)) +
  geom_line(color = "blue") +  # Add a line plot
  geom_point(color = "black") +  # Add points for each data point
    title = "Accuracy vs. Cost for Regularized Logistic Regression Model (Adaptive CV)",  # Set the plot title
    x = "Cost",  # Label the x-axis
    y = "Accuracy"  # Label the y-axis
  ) +
  theme_bw()  # Apply a black and white theme